Tuesday, January 17, 2012

給挺馬英九的 1,744 個教授的公開信

請聽 1744 位(支持馬英九)教授學者的聲音!
裏, 你們稱讚馬英九和吳敦義的品德, 例如誠實, 清廉, 正直和關懷.

馬英九的兩件歷史案件: 他的綠卡和特別費, 清楚地記錄了他當眾撒謊.

我要請你們解釋 為什麼當眾撒謊 是誠實, 清廉, 正直或關懷.  Please see the following videos to refresh your memory.
  1. 5.1.1 我們家沒有人有綠卡; 我有綠卡, 女兒是美國公民
  2. 5.1.2 特別費都是用在公務跟公益; 從來不把特別費當公款
我要特別請教廖一久院士: 為什麼你可以公開支持馬英九, 李遠哲卻不應該公開支持蔡英文?    See

院士廖一久籲李遠哲回歸科學專業 勿輕率為蔡英文背書院士廖一久回歸科學專業為馬英九背書

期待你們解答我的疑惑 by leaving a comment.

Comments from students and colleagues of these 1,744 professors are appreciated.

A list of the 1,744 professors in Excel format can be found here, as an attachment.


  1. Here is another Ma's dishonest behavior. Apparently he knew he could fool his advisors He sloppily putting together his doctoral dissertation with over thousand errors and handed it in. This was totally unacceptable according to Harvard's student honor code. Clearly Ma is a born liar. Integrity? It's a joke.

  2. Thank you for yet another good question for the 1,744 professors. Keep them coming. If enough people care, they will be forced to respond.
