Friday, September 30, 2011


2008/02/14  聯合報: 56% 選馬 18%投謝; 蘋果日報: 36%投馬 19%選謝

2011/05/18  蘋果日報: 若明天投票, 馬54%蔡32%

2011/09/30 黑雨: 李豔秋終於說出 15% 的民調秘密

昨天晚上的 TVBS 「新聞夜總會」節目中,其中一個來賓是中山大學教授廖達琪。當主持人李豔秋與廖達琪對談宋楚瑜決定參選到底的影響時,董智深終於承認,如果蔡英文跟馬英九的民調差距「是這麼接近的話,那(宋)就會有影響」。李豔秋接著說:「以前我們看民調的時候,執政的國民黨跟民進黨之間的民調,如果沒有拉開到 15% 的話,大概都不會贏」。沒想到,廖達琪緊接著回說:「(對!) 這是 TVBS 的民調」。
( Youtube 連結: )

前行政院長游錫堃過去就曾經說,泛綠候選人的真正得票率,往往是統派媒體民調再加上 17% 的結果。泛藍政治評論者南方朔在 9 月 26 日於香港明報的評論文章:「馬團隊在戰術上犯了大忌」裡面也提到:「台灣兩黨對決,民進黨群眾先天上就不會太早表態,他們都是愈到後來才表態較多。正因為綠色群眾較不表態,懂選舉的人都知道,國民黨要贏,投票前半年,他們必須領先至少15%,投票前3個月至少要領先10%,8至10月份表態的人增加,當然以綠色群眾為多,馬的民調支持度下跌,由領先轉為落後,一點也不令人意外,根據目前這個趨勢,只怕落後幅度還會擴大」。
TVBS 最近三次的總統大選民調中,宣稱馬英九的「支持度」大贏蔡英文 10% 甚至 11%。李豔秋昨晚的「表白」,無異是狠狠打了自家 TVBS 民調一個大耳光。不過,還是要感謝南方朔與李豔秋的坦白,讓我們終於知道,原來泛藍媒體人在看民調時,同樣是會自己把蔡英文的支持度再加上 10%~15% 的,只是他們過去一向不敢公開講出來罷了。


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

馬英九競選影片 讀經篇



讀經篇」以中華經典協會的孔廟讀經班為主角,詳述十年來讀經班怎麼樣在台灣扎根。藉由志工老師們的傳播、結合台北孔廟提供免費讀經課程,不僅讓更多台灣 ...
by taiwanbravotw 3 days ago 13,036 views
  • 為什麼中國人從來沒有民主政治, 恐怕永遠不會有?
  • 為什麼中國人完全不講公平?  他們恨透了欺負過他們的日本人, 但是欺負起突博人, 台灣人卻絕不手軟?
  • 為什麼中國人的兩個所謂政黨, 中國國民黨和中國共產黨, 千百萬的黨員中沒有甚至一個有道德肯講道理的人?
馬英九競選影片 讀經篇給了中國文化一個 很好的詮釋, 就是

Monday, September 26, 2011


Saudi women are granted voting rights
Women in Saudi Arabia on Sunday were granted not only the right to vote in 2015, but the ability to run for municipal office -- even as restrictions on women driving continue. Saudi women's rights activists said the change was prompted by the uprisings that have swept the Arab world over the past nine months.


呂惠敏 100 分. 宋楚瑜 -92分.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

兩分鐘漂亮的影片 看透醜惡的馬英九


“Dog Meat Festival” Cancelled After Popular Public Opposition

The following call to action was reposted over a 100 thousand times on popular Chinese microblogging service Sina Weibo (similar to Twitter), placing it amongst the most forwarded posts for several days this past week, and accumulating over 20 thousand comments by Weibo Users…
[10.18 Bloody Massacre] Oppose the “Zhejiang Jinhua Dog Meat Festival”. The “Save Zhejiang” society proposal/petition + Four point plan + Hotlines for the Asian media. (Doesn’t matter if you are a celebrity or an ordinary common person, please forward this as each time is one more sliver of hope). This is not a festival, this is a massacre! Call on China to pass animal protection laws! Proposal address:
A dog tied up waiting to be slaughtered and butchered in China.
The link leads to a post on a Chinese movie blog that protests the city of Jinhua in Zhejiang province of China holding a “Dog Meat Festival” next month on October 18th, similar to the annual beer festival in Qingdao except involving dog meat and people who enjoy eating dog meat.
Due to popular opposition, the festival has already been cancelled and it appears that the campaign now is to ask the Jinhua local government what will happen to the dogs that were originally prepared for the festival.
The page also prominently features the following images (click to enlarge):
A street during the Jinhua Dog Meat Festival.
Dogs being handled and soon to be butchered.
Dogs in cages as well as dogs being slaughtered and butchered for their meat.
A dog with a wire holding its mouth closed.
Dogs in cages with dead defurred dogs in the background, being prepared for their meat.
Cooked dogs hung on display in China.
A Chinese man eating dog meat.
These images are old, and appeared as early as 2006 in a blog post that suggests the first photo is of a street scene during the Jinhua Dog Meat Festival. An internet post dated in 2007 includes these photos in a story about a village in Hebei province that kills 2000 dogs every day to be shipped elsewhere as dog meat, earning it the nickname of “#1 dog killing village”.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Guo Jianmei directs a legal center that aids rape victims and that has lost half of its financing.

Rape Case Is a Rarity in Chinese Justice System
BEIJING — One morning in May, government officials assembled the 700 students of Ashi township’s middle school, in the southeastern Chinese province of Guizhou, for a lesson on the importance of abiding by the law. Rule No. 1, they said, was simple: If you break the law, you will be punished.
But as one teacher tells it, their actions that afternoon taught a different lesson: The rule does not apply to government officials.
A few hours after the speechifying, the teacher later said, the chief of Ashi’s land bureau, who had attended the school session, raped her. When she tried to bring charges the next day, she said, a police commander told her, “If he wore a condom, it isn’t rape.” Other officials pressured her to keep silent and urged her boyfriend to abandon her so she would lose courage, she said.
Only two months later, after the teacher posted an eloquent plea online and a newspaper reported her accusations, did officials take action. Heads have rolled. The accused has been arrested.
The teacher’s case illustrates an axiom of the Chinese justice system: Rape victims face extremely long odds if they accuse officials or others of special social status. Guo Jianmei, the director of the Women’s Legal Consultancy Center in Beijing, said even seemingly airtight cases with physical evidence and sympathetic victims could fail.
“There is still a huge possibility that the rapist would not be put behind bars,” Ms. Guo said.
But the case also suggests that victims are no longer quite so alone. “We see more and more victims getting help from the Internet,” she said. “We are really happy to see that public opinion in this country is playing a role in restoring justice.”
Victims get little help elsewhere. Rape crisis centers and hot lines remain extremely rare in China. Beijing, with more than 20 million people, has one sexual assault hot line that supposedly operates four evenings a week. One recent week, the telephone went unanswered on two of those nights.
Ms. Guo says her center is the only private group in China that offers legal aid specifically to rape victims. But the center is fighting for its life. Because of government pressure, it lost its standing as a nongovernmental group and was forced to relinquish about half of its financing. Further restrictions may be in store.
As in many countries, in China only a small fraction of rape victims ever charge their attackers. In a country of 1.3 billion, fewer than 32,000 sex crimes were reported in 2007, the latest year for which government statistics are available. By contrast, the number of rapes reported in the United States that year was more than 12 times as high.
“Let me give you an example,” said Li Ying, the vice director of Ms. Guo’s center. “A few years ago there was a case where one man in a village raped more than 100 women. Not one of them spoke up.”
The teacher’s case is a glaring example of how “officials in remote places cover for each other and protect each other,” said Li Yinhe, a sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
In a mineral-rich region of China, Wang Zhonggui, the head of Ashi’s land and resource bureau, was particularly powerful. So when the middle school held a legal-awareness program on May 17, Mr. Wang, 28, was among a group of authorities, including the school’s principal, public security officials and Communist Party leaders, who were invited to a post-lecture lunch at the local government building.
Teachers ate in the canteen, including the woman who said she was later raped. Her account of what followed has appeared in the local news media and on the Internet. Local government officials did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
According to the teacher, the principal urged her to toast the officials in their dining room, and she felt compelled to comply, toasting each official in turn with a shot of baijiu, China’s fiery, clear liquor. After 14 or 15 shots, she said, she was hopelessly drunk.
Feeling sick, she accepted a ride home with Mr. Wang and the school’s vice principal. But instead, she said, they took her to Mr. Wang’s suite. After the school official left, she staggered to the bathroom, threw up and tried to hold the door shut while Mr. Wang pounded on it.
Then, she said, Mr. Wang climbed through the bathroom window and dragged her to a bedroom adjoining his office. She woke up several hours later, almost naked, in an empty room. On the floor was a used condom, she said.
After agonizing all night, she went with her mother to the police station, where Zhong Xiancong, a police official who had attended the luncheon, heard her report of rape.
“To protect your reputation, you should forget about the whole thing,” she said Mr. Zhong told her. “You should tell your boyfriend Wang just hugged you.” He also said there was no need for the police to secure the crime scene, she said.
The police detained Mr. Wang three days after the episode, but released him two weeks later, citing a lack of evidence, according to Chinese news media reports.
Meanwhile, the teacher said, a township Communist Party committee member told her boyfriend’s uncle: “Tell her boyfriend not to stay with her. He can get other girls.” Without support, the party representative said, the teacher would not have the courage to press criminal charges.
On July 5, the teacher posted a detailed account of the attack online. “I am appealing from the bottom of my heart: leaders, please punish this criminal; please make these public servants that I’ve mentioned above take responsibility for their actions; please seek justice on my behalf,” she wrote.
A week later, The Qianzhong Morning Post, a local daily newspaper, published her accusations. Mr. Wang was quickly arrested.
Mr. Zhong, the police official who had turned the teacher away, was removed from his post. So was a public security official from the city that governs Ashi, who had defended Mr. Zhong for drinking on duty while at the luncheon, saying the government’s own prohibition against it was illegal. The principal was suspended.
Mr. Wang’s trial is expected to take place this month. But local and regional propaganda authorities are still trying to keep the matter quiet.
Late last month, the teacher cut off contact with the news media, saying officials had threatened her safety and that of her family if she continued to speak out.
Mia Li and Adam Century contributed research from Beijing.

Monday, September 5, 2011

台大教授 新聞局長楊永明 官舍電費竟2萬. 他說:
在野黨見獵心喜, 媒體如果操作我浪費電, 是害台灣

誇張 首長官舍電費竟2萬


【黃揚明╱台北報導】馬政府高喊節能減碳,立委潘孟安近日抽查部會首長宿舍水電使用情況,赫然發現新聞局長楊永明位於信義官 舍的首長宿舍電費爆量,最近一期(七、八月)高達兩萬一千四百四十元。潘指官舍國家配給,水電費全民埋單,這麼誇張的數字,希望楊自有分寸。楊昨表示,官 舍一對多中央空調二十四小時都要用,沒刻意浪費,質疑是電表、管線老舊導致。


潘孟安指根據新聞局提供資料,楊永明所 住官舍約四十坪,今年一至四月兩期電費都是兩千四百多元,楊永明一家四口五月二十八日入住後,五、六月電費增至八千一百三十一元,七、八月破兩萬元。潘也 抽查環保署、工程會同樣位於信義官舍的首長宿舍,首長未入住,每期電費約兩百至七百餘元不等。


楊永明也說,與妻子、兩名子女入住後, 官舍一對多中央空調二十四小時都要用,過去他住台大宿舍,夏季電費兩月約一萬元,扣除管線老舊因素,應該「差不多」。楊永明曾在臉書po文,日籍妻子六月 二十六日帶孩子返日,七月二十七日返台;他七月中訪美八天,不在台灣。何以電費驚人?楊認為是管線問題,還在查。他還說:「這是在野黨見獵心喜的操作手 法,媒體如果操作我浪費電,是害台灣,以後我就不進來住了!」





楊永明 47歲


中國媒體評 賽德克巴萊: 0分, 冷場, 嗜殺, 華而不實的偽史詩片

台灣抗日電影「賽德克巴萊」 中國媒體潑冷水

台灣抗日電影「賽德克巴萊」正在參加威尼斯影展,這部由「海角七號」導演魏德聖所拍攝的台灣原住民抗日電影「賽德克巴萊」在威尼斯影展頗受好評,9月4號 晚上還破天荒在台灣總統府前大道上舉辦導演版本的首映會,總統馬英九與反對黨主席蔡英文同時出席觀賞,不過,這部電影卻遭到中國媒體猛烈的批評。
以台灣在日治時代時發生的霧社事件為主軸,講述賽德克族頭目莫那魯道率領族人對抗日軍的電影「賽德克巴萊」(Seedie Bale),9月1號在威尼斯影展上首映,並角逐影展最高榮耀"金獅獎"。
導 演魏德聖籌畫12年,耗費7億新台幣拍攝完成了「賽德克巴萊」這部影片。然而這一部受到矚目的電影,台灣與中國大陸的媒體卻有兩極的評價。光從標題上看, 就可看出兩岸媒體的不同。台灣蘋果日報9月2號的標題是“賽德克震撼威尼斯”、“賽德克巴萊威尼斯首映,鼓掌十分鐘”,台灣中華電視台的標題則是“賽德克 巴萊試片,國際佳評不斷”,台灣中央社9月4號的標題是“吳宇森:賽德克是台灣電影驕傲”。
然而,中國媒體卻對「賽德克巴 萊」猛潑冷水,中國官方英文媒體「環球時報」9月2號的標題是“賽德克巴萊遭冷場,嗜殺不能成就一部史詩片”。新浪娛樂網的標題是“賽德克巴萊:華而不實 的偽史詩片”。鳳凰網則說“賽德克巴萊威尼斯遇冷,離優秀還有一步之遙”。青年報的標題則是“賽德克巴萊大倒熱灶”。
根 據中國時報報導,國際電影雜誌《銀幕》(Screen)給本片4顆星評價,而《泰晤士報》則給予3顆星評價,都算是高分。而相對於台灣媒體報導首映之後, 掌聲不斷,環球時報則報導:在放映過程中不斷有記者起身離場,結束時更是只收穫寥寥幾下零星的鼓掌。鳳凰網則報導:掌聲稀稀落落,場面冷清、戰爭場面堆 砌,缺乏深度拖垮影片。
「賽 德克巴萊」的監製吳宇森對於中國媒體負面評價的反應是,認為他們對台灣原住民不熟悉,所以產生誤會。台灣歌聲舞影慶百年電影展的企劃統籌、在上海戲劇學院 任教的陳煒智認為,威尼斯影展上播映的是剪輯後的國際版,而即將在台灣上映完整版則分成上下兩集,有可能因為剪輯內容的不同,讓媒體在理解上也有所不同。
他認為,如果包括中國媒體在內的觀眾,因為對台灣原住民不了解而對電影產生誤會,那是導演的問題。導演要講這個故事,就應該要讓不了解這件事情的人看懂。 此外他懷疑,這部電影事前太過高調的宣傳,也可能導致中國大陸媒體的不滿。2011/09/05